beragam ukuran secara fisik juga dalam densitas (tingkat kerapatan )
layar (DPI). Agar kita mudah dalam mendesian untuk bermacam-macam layar,
bayangkan bahwa perangakat dibagi menjadi beberapa ukuran dan densitas.
Komponen UI yang dapat disentuh (touchable) diletakan dalam ruang sebesar 48dp.
Kenapa 48dp?
Rata-rata, 48dp diterjemahkan secara fisik menjadi kurang lebih 9mm. This is comfortably in the range of recommended target sizes (7-10 mm) for touchscreen objects and users will be able to reliably and accurately target them with their fingers.
If you design your elements to be at least 48dp high and wide you can guarantee that:
Mind the gaps
Spacing between each UI element is 8dp.
- Ukuran bucket handset (lebih kecil dari 600p) dan tablet (lebih besar atau sama dengan 600p)
- Densitas bucket adalah LDPI, MDPI, HDPI, XHDPI, XXHDPI, dan XXXHDPI.
Ritme 48dp
Komponen UI yang dapat disentuh (touchable) diletakan dalam ruang sebesar 48dp.
Kenapa 48dp?
Rata-rata, 48dp diterjemahkan secara fisik menjadi kurang lebih 9mm. This is comfortably in the range of recommended target sizes (7-10 mm) for touchscreen objects and users will be able to reliably and accurately target them with their fingers.
If you design your elements to be at least 48dp high and wide you can guarantee that:
- your targets will never be smaller than the minimum recommended target size of 7mm regardless of what screen they are displayed on.
- you strike a good compromise between overall information density on the one hand, and targetability of UI elements on the other.
Mind the gaps
Spacing between each UI element is 8dp.
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